Devlog 12

Ahead 2.0 is available
After 2 months of hard work, the major 2.0 update has been released.
Almost everything have been reworked, making the initial release look like a pure prototype.
- New Color palette

- New SFX
- New VFX

- New UI (Menu interfaces and In-game interfaces)
- New app icon

Skip level and Rewind last move features
- No more ads with the retry button
- Objective quests
- 2 new languages (French and Spanish)
- Tutorial level
- Camera touch controls
- Game speed control
- Story based player animations and progression
- New store page
The game looks and feel better than ever and will continue improving with new upcoming content such as more music tracks and languages.
If you ever wanted to play the game, it is time.

With Ahead 2.0 release, it is time to move the main focus back to CastleQuest. Recent work has really teached me that focusing on 1 project at a time is the way to go and CastleQuest is the project I chose to focus on next.
Expect loads of content about this project in the upcoming months, this is going to grow fast.