Politique de cookies (UE)

Cookie Privacy Policy for StarvingFox Studio

Last Updated: 22/12/2023

Welcome to StarvingFox Studio! This cookie privacy policy outlines how we use cookies on our website https://www.starvingfoxstudio.com and explains your rights regarding the collection of cookie data.

1. Overview

StarvingFox Studio is an indie game developer website dedicated to referencing current and past projects while documenting ongoing development. As such we do not store any visitor data on our end.

2. Types of Cookies Used

We use essential cookies on our website to retain user preferences. As we do not feature ads or a shop, these cookies are solely for enhancing user experience.

3. Third-Party Cookies

To the best of our knowledge, StarvingFox Studio does not use third-party cookies. We do not employ external services that collect data through cookies.

4. Cookie Consent

Upon landing on our website, users will encounter a pop-up allowing them to either accept or deny the collection of cookies. By using the site, you consent to the use of essential cookies.

5. Cookie Settings

While users can manage cookies on their devices, we do not collect personal information that requires active management on our end.

6. Data Collected Through Cookies

We collect user preferences through cookies. Additionally, there may be default WordPress analytics collecting approximate world localization data, but this is not under our direct control.

7. Duration of Cookies

The duration of cookies is undetermined and may persist indefinitely. Cookies are designed to enhance user experience over multiple sessions.

8. Security Measures

StarvingFox Studio does not store visitor data. 

9. Updates to the Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy may change occasionally, particularly when significant events occur. Check the date at the top for the latest version.

10. User Rights

As we do not store visitor data, there are no user data rights concerns on our website.

11. Applicable Laws

Our website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our cookie privacy policy, please contact us at contact@starvingfoxstudio.com.